Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rat Table Two

After flipping it and determining where the holes are to be placed it is off to the paint room.

This is where the center table gets attached. It will stay stationary, yet be slightly above the large table that spins.

Here is the top and bottom view of the center table. I had to stack and glue 3/4 ply to get the height from the base to above the table. As well as, I put in some recessed screws so the table will remain centered and stationary.

This is the ram in the closed position (above) to lock the the table. The open position (below) the table will free wheel.

This is a view of the complete mechanism. I used a horizontal hold down ram and lengthened its ram and made some brackets out of Al and delron.

The bottom is complete. The wood slats on each side of the holes are brackets for the cage.

The table right side up on cleaned and painted tripod. This shows the cage in one hole slot and the lock mechanism.

This is it! Finished. Notice the scale it is too big for the hall. The rat, blindfolded , is set in the center and the nest (cage) is in one hole. They take the rat and replace him on the center and spin the table to a different position. Then they track how the rat navigates with minimal external information.

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